
Sales volume of Eicher Motors Limited for the month of March 2024 :

In March 2024, the sales of models with engine capacities up to 350cc amounted to 66,363 units, showing a 6% increase compared to March 2023. Similarly, models with engine capacities exceeding 350cc saw sales of 9,188 units, indicating a slight decline of 3% compared to the same period last year. Overall, total motorcycle sales reached 75,551 units in March 2024, reflecting a 5% increase from March 2023.

Looking at the yearly data from April 2023 to March 2024, the trend continues positively, with a 10% growth in models with engine capacities up to 350cc and a 2% growth in models exceeding 350cc. However, international business, included in the total figures, experienced a decline of 23% in March 2024 compared to the previous year. Similarly, on a yearly basis, international business witnessed a 22% decrease, indicating a challenging scenario in the international market.


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