Archean Chemical Industries Limited’s stepdown subsidiary, SiCSem Pvt. Ltd., reached a significant milestone in semiconductor manufacturing with its groundbreaking ceremony yesterday. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha, Shri Mohan Charan Majhi, conducted the ceremony virtually during the Utkarsh Odisha conclave. The event was attended by Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw (Honourable Union Minister of Railways, Information and Broadcasting, and Electronics & Information Technology) and Dr. Mukesh Mahaling (Honourable Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Parliamentary Affairs, and Electronics & IT).
SiCSem Pvt. Ltd.’s proposed Compound Semiconductor Facility is expected to involve an investment of up to ₹3000 Cr, which will significantly contribute to Odisha’s industrial growth. The facility will house a complete power device manufacturing process, including a Wafer Fabrication Plant. This initiative aims to produce electronic power devices for key sectors such as electric vehicles, energy storage, fast chargers, green energy, industrial tools, data centres, consumer appliances, and more.
The Odisha state government has allocated 14.32 acres of land at Infovalley-II, Bhubaneswar, for the project and has approved it under the Odisha Semiconductor & Fabless Policy – 2023.