Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd (APSEZ), India’s largest port developer and operator, has entered into a concession agreement with the Deendayal Port Authority (DPA) to develop Berth No. 13 at Deendayal Port in Kandla, Gujarat. To manage this project, APSEZ has established a wholly owned subsidiary, DPA Container and Clean Cargo Terminal Limited (DPACCCTL).

In July 2024, APSEZ received a Letter of Intent (LOI) for the development, operation, and maintenance of the berth under a 30-year concession. The berth will be developed using the DBFOT (Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Transfer) model and will handle multipurpose clean cargo, including containers.

Berth No. 13 will be 300 meters long with an annual capacity of 5.7 million metric tons and is expected to be commissioned in FY27.

Mr. Ashwani Gupta, Whole-time Director and CEO of APSEZ, stated, “The development of Berth No. 13 will broaden our activities at Deendayal Port by enabling us to handle multipurpose clean cargo in addition to the dry bulk cargo we currently manage. This development will strengthen our presence on the western coast and improve our service capabilities for customers in Gujarat and northern India.”

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