NTPC : Following the successful adherence to approved norms and obtaining the requisite approvals, Unit-2 of the North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project, boasting a capacity of 660 MW, has satisfactorily completed its trial operation phase. As a result, it has been formally included in the installed capacity roster of NTPC Limited. This milestone represents a culmination of meticulous planning, rigorous testing, and stringent compliance with industry standards.

The integration of Unit-2 into NTPC’s standalone installed capacity marks a significant augmentation, bringing the total standalone installed capacity of NTPC Limited to an impressive 59,298 MW. This enhanced capacity underscores NTPC’s unwavering commitment to bolstering the nation’s power infrastructure and meeting the burgeoning energy demands of India.

Furthermore, when considering the combined capacity of NTPC and its subsidiaries, the total installed capacity of the NTPC Group now stands at an impressive 75,418 MW. This consolidated figure reflects the collective efforts of NTPC and its subsidiary entities in advancing the nation’s energy landscape and facilitating sustainable growth across various sectors.

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