LONDON, UK : HCLTech, a prominent global technology firm, has been recognized as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: European Human-First Digital Workplace Services 2023 Vendor Assessment (#EUR149968723, November 2023).
Meike Escherich, European Practice Lead for Future of Work at IDC, stated, “Providers of digital workplace services with well-defined workplace transformation capabilities, such as HCLTech, are the preferred partners in today’s human-centric work environment. Their emphasis on people-centric service offerings and ecosystems positions them as leaders in the evolving DWS landscape.”
According to the IDC MarketScape report, “HCLTech has significantly enhanced its workplace consultancy capabilities by focusing on experience design and formalizing its commitment to an XLA-based approach through contractual agreements with the majority of its clients. Extensive investment in human-centric intellectual property reflects an ongoing commitment to future-proof its DWS offerings. Clients surveyed by IDC expressed exceptionally high satisfaction levels and rated HCLTech highly for the effectiveness of its workplace services and its human-first approach.”
Rakshit Ghura, Senior Vice President of Digital Workplace Services at HCLTech, emphasized, “HCLTech’s human-first workplace portfolio demonstrates our dedication to future-proofing Digital Workplace Services. This commitment is powered by our FLUID framework, investments in Workplace Experience Consulting (WXC) catalog, rich innovative Workplace IPs, and our ability to deliver on our promise of experience level agreements (XLAs) for our customers.”